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New Release: We Remember by Drew Lane- Full Song Version

We Remember- The Stations of the Cross (full song version) by Drew Lane (Good Friday, Holy Week, Triduum) 

Michelle Gibson, who works with Drew at St Peter's Primary, Bentleigh East, VIC, had been asking Drew for a couple of years to write something for The Stations of the Cross. In the first week of school this year, she asked again and an hour later, this song was written.

I suggested to Drew that schools would love them as separate "mini songs" to use for each station, so the first weekend he recorded all 14 with his wife Jenni.

Meanwhile, I was scouting schools for a video shoot and was so fortunate to film with students from Our Lady of the Assumption School, Hoon Hay, Christchurch, New Zealand, whole on tour there in late February. Michelle Hicks was working on the script and it's all come together this week!

This just captures the essence of the Butterfly House- the talents of many coming together to serve the faith development of the children in our care.

We have scripts here:

And guitar chords/sheet music:

We Remember (Stations of the Cross) by Drew Lane (easy guitar chords)

We Remember (Stations of the Cross) by Drew Lane (full score- individual stations)

We Remember (Stations of the Cross) by Drew Lane (full score- full song)

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