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FIVE! New sing-along books from Drew and Jenni Lane!

I Can Do All Things (Picture Book) by Drew Lane and illustrated by Jenni Lane (Phil. 4:13, faith, belief in self). A fun song for grades 1-3, about being who you were born to be! The song is based on the bible verse from Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Drew and Jenni have been busy over the holidays producing FIVE new books!

  • Gonna Build A House (Picture Book) by Drew Lane and illustrated by Jenni Lane (John 14, faith, Heaven). A fun class and response song based on the scripture from John 14:1-6, where Jesus talks about preparing a place for us in His Father's house.

  • The Call (Picture Book) by Drew Lane, illustrated by Jenni Lane - (Great Commission) Based on the great commission (Mt. 28:16-20), Jesus calls to all creation to go and reach out to everyone.

  • Together (Picture Book) by Drew Lane, illustrated by Jenni Lane - (Togetherness, Unity, Entrance/Gathering Song). A great opening song for mass, the start of the term or year, or just to sing with everyone!

Rainbow Over Creation (Picture Book) by Drew Lane, illustrated by Jenni Lane - (Creation, harmony, unity). A song that sings through the different colours of the rainbow and how they relate to our lives and feelings.

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