Offer by James Wahl (Preparation of Gifts, First Eucharist)
Here's our latest "offering" from James Wahl, the American contingent of the Butterfly House. Jim has been composing songs for children for many years and we have a growing collection of his material:
Be Like You by James Wahl (Easter Triduum, Holy Week, for younger students)
Let's Make A Wave by James Wahl (Lent, acts of mercy, Matthew 25:40)
Here's a word from James:
"A eucharistic song based on the threefold baptismal identity of priest, prophet, and king. In the liturgy it is most appropriate for preparation of the gifts or the communion rite. A great message for those preparing to receive First Eucharist!"
A truly international recording by James Wahl from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA and a choir featuring students from Catholic schools across Australia and New Zealand:
Ana Antelmi, St John the Evangelist School, Dapto, NSW, Australia
Sheina Bantugan, St Joseph’s School, Morrinsville, New Zealand
Makena Bennett, Mater Dei Primary School, Toowoomba, QLD, Australia
Mumbi Bennett, Mater Dei Primary School, Toowoomba, QLD, Australia
Elle Wynward, St Joseph’s School, Whakatane, New Zealand
Te Aorangi Stewart, St Joseph’s School, Whakatane, New Zealand
Olivia Lipp, Xavier Catholic College, Evanston Campus, SA, Australia
Evelynn Chase, Xavier Catholic College, Evanston Campus, SA, Australia
Isabel Escobar Brooke, Xavier Catholic College, Evanston Campus, SA, Australia
Rosa Manno, Xavier Catholic College, Evanston Campus, SA, Australia